Wanna create your own e-learning with subjects like PPL, ATPL – any kind of school classes or create OPC courses, ITC courses, cabin crew e-learning, Dangerous Goods training, Winter Operations training… etc, anything is possible and also create WBT, web based Tests such as Aptitude tests, OPC tests, ATPL mock up tests etc – system can also be set for taking the tests from any locations at any time.
You are in full control.
AviAdmin LCMS features:
o Create e-learning with page timer (user cant click next before time is up)
o Create web based tests with countdown timer and different subjectso Possible to jump around in questions and return at a later stage
o Internal test platform so only designated computer can be used for tests
o External test platform, users can login from any place and do tests
o Reports areas for WBT & e-learning with full details of use
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